Tuesday, June 10, 2014

BUMPDATE (20 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a banana!

How I'm feeling: I've made it to the halfway point and I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. I'm starting to notice the lovely pregnancy face/hands/feet swelling but other than that, not too much to complain about :)

Cravings: Still snowcones but I would really love a cinnamon roll. My dad makes the absolute best homemade cinnamon rolls and I've also been craving the gigantic ones from Tally's in Tulsa. I may have to hunt down the best Pittsburgh cinnamon roll if this craving keeps up.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm still pretty ant-meat but I've been eating it here and there when it sounds good - we are having meatball sliders for dinner tonight so maybe the red meat aversion is slowly starting to pass.

Sleep: Still sleeping really well :)

Miss anything? Crisp fruity beverages...a virgin mojito just doesn't sound appealing.

Clothes: All maternity.

Movement: Yes! Yesterday I felt Connor kick for the very first time! Before, I had felt flutters but yesterday he kicked me square in the ribs! And Brooks got to feel it too - it was pretty much the coolest thing I've ever experienced.

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On...for now. 
Favorite moment this week: Feeling Connor kick!
Most looking forward to: Friday we are headed to Michigan to visit family and celebrate my niece and nephew's birthday. I can't wait to see everyone!

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