Tuesday, June 3, 2014

BUMPDATE (19 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a mango!

How I'm feeling: I'm feeling really good. My energy has finally started to come back, which has allowed me to start exercising again and that has also helped with my energy levels. I'm hoping this keeps up!

Cravings: Still snowcones and cereal. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Red Meat (except for hamburgers, those are okay). 

Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well but this past week the crazy pregnancy dreams have started again. One of my dreams this week consisted of Brooks being a vampire and me not being one, it was a very interesting love story...I think I'm just ready for the final season of True Blood to start.

Miss anything? Snowcones!! Pittsburgh really needs to open some snowcone shacks!

Clothes: Everything is now maternity. This baby is growing!

Movement: Yes! I love feeling my son move! I have an anterior placenta (this is a pregnancy blog...I hope I can use the term placenta without scaring people off) so I don't feel him quite as strongly yet as I'd like too. Hopefully I'll start feeling bigger and stronger movements soon!

Gender: BOY! We are so looking forward to meeting Connor Jackson Huse this fall!

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On...for now. My hands are swelling a lot so I've been switching between my wedding ring and my Nana's ring (which is a little bigger than mine). 
Favorite moment this week: Shopping for little boy clothes :) 
Most looking forward to: A very relaxing weekend (with as far as I know, nothing planned!)

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