Thursday, May 29, 2014

BUMPDATE (18 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a sweet potato!

How I'm feeling: Really good!! I'm finally starting to get some energy back!

Cravings: Snowcones and Cereal. Specifically, fruit loops, cinnamon toast crunch, and reese's puffs cereal. YUM

Anything making you queasy or sick: Red Meat.

Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well, thankfully!

Miss anything? Nope :)

Clothes: Everything is now maternity. This baby is growing!

Movement: Yes! I finally felt our sweet baby move this last week!

Gender: BOY!!! We found out this morning that we are having a baby boy and we couldn't be more excited! This is also why the blog is two days late...I thought it would be fun to wait until we could announce what we are having :)

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On...although my hands are swelling a lot more lately. I don't think my wedding ring will last through the entire pregnancy.
Favorite moment this week: Finding out that baby Huse is a boy! 
Most looking forward to: This weekend we are going to grill out to celebrate Brooks' 30th birthday. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful and we will have a great day! 

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