Tuesday, May 6, 2014

BUMPDATE (15 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a navel orange! As you can see, baby has definitely popped!

How I'm feeling: Great! 

Cravings: Popsicle's and snow cones! I sent Brooks out this week for his very first "baby craving errand." I saw an ad for Outshine Tangerine Bars and had to have them - they are so good! So nice on a warm spring day :) I've also been craving snow cones like crazy. Snow Cone Shacks are huge in Oklahoma but unfortunately they don't have them in Western Pennsylvania (believe me I searched) so I've had to settle for Italian Ice, which is good but not the same.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much. I still can't handle looking at big chunks of red meat but Brooks is now free to eat steak without making me queasy. Any other forms of red meat will be out of our house for a while.

Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well and I'm hoping that continues for as long as possible.

Miss anything? Snow cones! 

Clothes: Pants are all maternity. Tops and dresses are still a mix of regular and maternity.

Movement: Not yet.

Gender: We find out June 3! Four weeks to go!

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: We heard Baby H's heart beat again last week, which definitely takes the cake as the best moment of the week. There is nothing as beautiful as that sound. Also, since I've been feeling much better I've been able to get out and exercise again which has been really nice. Brooks has taken several walks with me and the weather we've had here the last couple of days couldn't be better for nice walks outside.
Most looking forward to: So much in the next week! Saturday we are going to a BBQ at a good friends house and Sunday is my first mother's day (I figure I'm allowed to celebrate) so this weekend should be wonderful! 

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