Tuesday, July 29, 2014

BUMPDATE (27 Weeks!)

I've entered the home stretch! The third and final trimester has arrived. The third trimester start date is an interesting thing...some books say it starts as early as 26 weeks, some say 27 and some say 28. Confusing right? Well, I divided 40 weeks into thirds (which makes sense to me since a trimester is a third of something) and came up with the third trimester starting just before 27 weeks. So I'm going with the 27 week crowd just to make things simple. Third trimester it's good to see you!

Baby's Growth: This week Connor is the size of a Rutabaga. Don't know what that looks like? (It's OK, I didn't). Here's a link to a picture if you're curious http://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy-week-by-week/27-weeks-pregnant.aspx 

How I'm feeling: Overall still pretty good. I'm having your typical pregnancy aches and pains (hello back ache) and I'm moving quite a bit slower these days but I'm not terribly uncomfortable yet.

Cravings: Cherries. I would crave the most expensive fruit you can buy. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well! I'm definitely getting more tired these days though, but naps here and there definitely help!

Miss anything? Once again, I miss being able to bend over comfortably. This past weekend I had to have Brooks take off my toe nail polish because I couldn't do it myself (thanks babe, you're the best). Seriously, not being able to do simple things like paint my own toes - I miss that. But at the end of the day it's all worth it because I'm growing a healthy little boy. I was telling Brooks earlier today, until I was pregnant, I'd never loved someone that I've never met. I love this little boy so much already.

Clothes: All maternity. 

Movement: Oh yes! Connor loves to move. And he apparently loves the cherries I've been craving because he always moves a lot right after I eat them.

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? I've officially retired my wedding ring and am wearing my nana's wedding ring instead.
Favorite moment this week: This past weekend I went into full-blown nesting mode. I did more laundry than I thought possible and got a ton of work done on the nursery. It's not finished yet but it's gradually turning into my absolute favorite room in the house. Below is a little sneak peek :) We hung these two prints today above the dresser. Once the room is finished I plan to do an entire blog post showing it off, so stay tuned!

Most looking forward to: I'm traveling to Tulsa in 3 weeks and I cannot wait to go home!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

BUMPDATE (26 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Connor is the size of a Head of Lettuce! According to the bump.com, he should be between 13.6 and 14.8 inches long and weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds. He is growing!

How I'm feeling: Overall still pretty good. Granted, I do get uncomfortable at times but nothing too bad just yet.

Cravings: Fruit and lots of it. Cherries, watermelon, you name it! And Texas sheet cake (which I haven't had in forever now that I think about it). YUM. And speaking of cravings, last week I got the nicest surprise! Kellie (one of the lovely teachers where I work) took time out of her day to bring me a snow cone. She literally brought a snow cone maker to work and made me a snow cone! How sweet is that? And it was awesome by the way. Thank you Kellie!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! *An update to last week's post on this question - I passed my glucose test! 

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well!

Miss anything? Not feeling like a total goof when I have to bend over to pick up something I dropped. Seriously, who knew dropping things could be such a pain!

Clothes: All maternity. 

Movement: Oh yes! Connor is definitely a mover...something tells me he is going to be high energy just like his daddy :)

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? I've officially retired my wedding ring and am wearing my nana's wedding ring instead.
Favorite moment this week: This past week was really great. Brooks and I got a lot done on the nursery - it's really starting to come along. Once it's finished, I'll do a blog post just on the nursery so y'all can see what it looks like. Another favorite moment I had last week was the super simple and relaxed date night Brooks and I had last Friday. We are really trying to prioritize those nights right now since we know they probably won't happen as often once our little guy arrives. A night of Thai food and relaxation was just what we needed :)
Most looking forward to: Getting our house in order before Connor arrives. I guess this is truly nesting at it's finest? I've been doing A LOT of laundry and have just been trying to get the endless amount of tasks that need to be done around the house accomplished. Each time I check something off the list I can breathe a little easier.
Side note: Brooks and I have decided to use cloth diapers. I'm sure there are many opinions on this but this is what we think is the best choice for us. And have y'all seen how cute they are? These are not the cloth diapers our grandmothers used. I've been really lucky to have a few girls share with me their tips and tricks for cloth diapering but I'm still getting used to everything so if you are reading this and you cloth diaper(ed) your little ones and have any words of wisdom please don't be afraid to share. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

BUMPDATE (25 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Connor is the size of a Cauliflower!

How I'm feeling: Overall I'm feeling pretty good. I'm experiencing some back pain again but nothing close to what I experienced during the first trimester. I'm starting to get to the point where it's comical to get comfortable once I lay down but I'm still sleeping pretty well once I fall asleep. 

Cravings: I'm still eating a lot of watermelon and I've also been eating more apples. I'm loving fruit these days and I'm also craving comfort foods like corn bread and fried okra. This Oklahoma girl misses fried okra. And of course, I'm counting down the days 'til I go to Oklahoma in August and get to have my snow cone! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Well, if you count the glucose test I took this morning then yes :) but other than that no food aversions! I won't know the results of the glucose test for a day or so, I really hope I passed and don't have to take the three hour test, the one hour one was bad enough!

Sleep: Still sleeping well!

Miss anything? One thing I've noticed a lot lately is that I can't get as much done without feeling tired like I could before I was pregnant. I'm not feeling as productive as I normally like because by the time dinner time rolls around I'm pretty exhausted. As a result, I feel like I've got an endless to do list. I miss having more energy.

Clothes: All maternity. 

Movement: Oh yes! Today he kicked so hard I actually saw my stomach move! That was a first!

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? I've officially retired my wedding ring and am wearing my nana's wedding ring instead.
Favorite moment this week: Sunday afternoon we cleaned out the guestroom to make way for the nursery. Just putting the first few pieces of furniture in there got me really excited. I'm having a fun time getting the nursery ready for our little boy.
Most looking forward to: Doing some more baby shopping this weekend and continuing to work on Connor's room.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

BUMPDATE (24 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Connor is the size of a cantaloupe!

How I'm feeling: I'm feeling much better this week than I was last week. I'm getting plenty of rest and the swelling in my ankles is so much better. 

Cravings: Watermelon! I've been eating it like crazy!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Coffee has sounded terrible to me this entire pregnancy (I loved coffee pre-pregnancy) but this past weekend I actually craved an iced coffee - I had one and it was great! Hopefully most of the food aversions have passed.

Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well, thank goodness!

Miss anything? I'd still love a nice cold glass of white wine but other than that I'm good! 

Clothes: All maternity.

Movement: Yes! Baby boy definitely loves to kick his mama :)

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? I've officially retired my wedding ring and am wearing my nana's wedding ring instead.
Favorite moment this week: Watching the fireworks on the 4th of July! Connor kicked a bit while they were going off so he was either pretty startled by them or he liked them too!
Most looking forward to: Sleeping in on Saturday! We've been so busy lately that even on the weekends I haven't been able to sleep much longer than my normal weekday wake-up time, this Saturday I'm hoping to sleep in (even if that means only sleeping 'til around 9)!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

BUMPDATE (23 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a grapefruit!

How I'm feeling: I'm not feeling bad but I've had better weeks. My hands and ankles/feet are really starting to swell - the joys of being pregnant during the summer I suppose!

Cravings: Not anything too crazy this week. I'd still love a snow cone though :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well, thank goodness!

Miss anything? I'd love a nice cold glass of wine but other than that I'd say I'm pretty content.

Clothes: All maternity.

Movement: Yes! Baby boy definitely loves to kick his mama :)

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? I think it's time to retire my wedding ring. My hands are swelling a lot lately so even though it still slips on fine in the morning throughout the day it gets really snug and sometimes it's hard to take off. Before my wedding my mom gave me her mom's (my nana's) wedding ring, which is larger in size than my wedding ring so this week I've started wearing it instead of my ring.
Favorite moment this week: I'm still working on Connor's room and am starting to really put together a vision for how I want it to look - I can't wait to see how it looks when I'm finished!
Most looking forward to: A long 4th of July weekend :)