Tuesday, April 29, 2014

BUMPDATE (14 Weeks!)

Hello 2nd Trimester!!

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a lemon!

How I'm feeling: Great! Still a bit tired but overall I'm feeling wonderful.

Cravings: I've been craving corn and it's finally arrived in our grocery stores here in PA so I'm one happy girl. One of my favorite meals is a baked potato with butter, sour cream, and corn. I love this meal and now that corn is here I plan on having it A LOT.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Red Meat. Hamburgers are an exception but I absolutely cannot look at or smell big chunks of red meat. Brooks made Korean Short Ribs last night and he had to eat them alone in the kitchen - just looking at them made me queasy. 

Sleep: I'm sleeping really well. I'm falling asleep easily and resting comfortably, I'm enjoying this!

Miss anything? I'd love a nice cold glass of wine - DON'T WORRY, this doesn't mean I'm going to have one. Now that it's spring though, a nice refreshing glass of wine sounds lovely. 

Clothes: Pants are pretty much all maternity. I can get away with regular pants if I wear a belly band but I seriously hate those things so maternity pants it is. Dresses and tops are a mix of regular and maternity.

Movement: Not yet.

Gender: We can find out in 4 weeks!! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: We spent the weekend in Oklahoma for my cousin Ashlee's wedding and it was FABULOUS. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous and we had a great time catching up with family and friends. I got to show off the baby bump and I absolutely had a wonderful time. 
Most looking forward to: My next doctors appointment on Friday! We should get to schedule the official date of the gender scan when we are there!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

BUMPDATE (13 Weeks!)

The last week of the 1st trimester is finally here!

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a peach!

How I'm feeling: I am feeling great! The past week I have felt absolutely wonderful. The aches and pains are gone and I'm feeling extremely happy.

Cravings: Pretty much all breakfast type foods, especially pancakes, biscuits, and hashbrowns. I've also been loving big juicy apple pears - they are so good!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Sleep: I'm sleeping really well. I still wake up in the middle of the night (I'm pretty sure middle of the night trips to the bathroom are here for the long haul) but I'm sleeping really well. I'm loving my sleep right now.

Miss anything? Nope!

Clothes: Still a mix of regular and maternity. 

Movement: Not yet.

Gender: We still have another 5 weeks to go before we can find out. I'm hoping the doctor may let us find out slightly early on Brooks' 30th birthday (I'll be just shy of 18 weeks then). I think that would be such a fun thing to find out on his birthday if Baby H is a boy or a girl. 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: Honestly, this entire past week was wonderful because I felt so great. I really hope I continue to feel this well for quite some time. 
Most looking forward to: Traveling to Tulsa on Thursday for my cousin Ashlee's wedding! I can't wait to celebrate with her and to spend time with friends and family. Plus it will be my parents first time to see the bump! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BUMPDATE (12 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a plum!

How I'm feeling: Much better!! The past two days I have felt better than I have in six weeks! Thank you Jesus! I'm so hoping this good feeling continues!

Cravings: My cravings drastically switched from sweet things to salty in the past week. I have been craving french fries like crazy! In fact, yesterday I had McDonald's fries...twice! I don't regret it one bit, I enjoyed every single bite. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I am honestly feeling so much better that nothing has made me queasy or sick in the past week. Thank goodness! 

Sleep: I'm not as tired as I was the past several weeks but I wake up in the middle of the night now (every single night....lovely). So as a result, I'm a bit sluggish in the mornings. 

Miss anything? Not this week!

Clothes: Still a mix of regular and maternity. Because of how my tummy is growing I'm loving maternity pants but shirts are a mix of regular and maternity - regular shirts still fit but sometimes maternity shirts just look and fit better.

Movement: I keep waiting for the "flutters" I keep hearing about and I swear last week I felt them but it's so hard to tell. I haven't had the "aha moment" yet where I know for sure that what I felt was the baby. 

Gender: We'll find out between 18-20 weeks! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: Yesterday was my favorite because it was the first day in six weeks I've felt almost normal. I am so happy to feel like a functioning adult again, I hope it lasts!
Most looking forward to: Traveling to Tulsa next weekend for my cousin Ashlee's wedding! Time to put this bump in a bridesmaid's dress!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

BUMPDATE (11 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a lime! 

How I'm feeling: To be honest, this last week was rough. I ache A LOT. And I'm tired A LOT. I'm hoping to get a massage in the next week or so and I plan on signing up for a six-week prenatal yoga class so hopefully that will help too. 

Cravings: Still pancakes. Although, right this second brownies sound delicious! Yum!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I can't handle certain smells. This week any Asian type of foods have really bothered me. 

Sleep: I could take a nap everyday...in fact I may go take one as soon as I post this :)

Miss anything? Feeling well. I feel like I've felt queasy/achy every day now for about 5 weeks. I'm ready for some energy. 

Clothes: A mix of regular and maternity. Regular clothes fit but maternity pants are just so much more comfortable on the growing tummy!

Movement: Not yet!

Gender: We took an intelligender test just for fun and the results said Girl. We'll have to wait until 18-20 weeks to find out if that was right or not :)

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: This past Friday we heard our sweet baby's heartbeat for the very first time! It was the most special/beautiful sound I've ever heard. I am in love already! 
Most looking forward to: A massage - hopefully this weekend!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Oh baby!

Now that the news is "officially" out I can finally start this little blog! Brooks and I shared on Sunday via facebook that we are expecting! Baby Huse is due October 28! We found out on February 20 and immediately told our families. Over the next few weeks we slowly started to tell close friends before we put the news out via facebook. Here is our facebook announcement :)
Brooks proposed by spelling out "marry me" on a scrabble board (scrabble is one of our favorite games) so we decided to keep the scrabble tradition going with our baby announcement. I think it turned out great!

While sharing our happy news on facebook is fun, I don't want to bombard facebook with all my pregnancy details, that's where this little blog comes in! Brooks and I have family and friends scattered all over the country so I thought this would be a great place where people who are interested can come and check in with how our new adventure is going. Each week I plan on posting a "bumpdate" and then after the little one arrives I plan on sharing fun weekly family updates. 

So without furthere ado...it's time for my first bumpdate!

BUMPDATE (10 Weeks!)

I'm officially a quarter of the way through this pregnancy. And this week I started to notice my little bump :)
Pardon the selfie, Brooks is out of town or I would have made him take the picture. 

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a prune! 

How I'm feeling: Generally not so good. Mornings are ok but I get really nauseous and achy in the afternoons and evenings. And I'm tired pretty much all the time. Gotta love the first trimester! I'm hoping for more energy and less queasiness in the second trimester. 

Cravings: Pancakes! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I can't stand the smell of green apple jolly ranchers. Just the thought of them makes me feel sick.

Sleep: I could sleep all day. I'm enjoying any sleep I can get while I can :)

Miss anything? Not yet...although I'm sure come the end of October I'm really going to be wanting a nice glass of vino!

Clothes: I still fit into all my pre-pregnancy clothes but I did purchase some maternity things purely for comforts sake. 

Movement: Not yet!

Gender: I've thought from the beginning that it's a boy but my entire family (Brooks included) is convinced it's a girl! We'll just have to wait and see!

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: I finally indulged in my pregnancy craving and had pancakes on Sunday. They were fabulous.
Most looking forward to: My next baby appointment this Friday!