Tuesday, April 8, 2014

BUMPDATE (11 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a lime! 

How I'm feeling: To be honest, this last week was rough. I ache A LOT. And I'm tired A LOT. I'm hoping to get a massage in the next week or so and I plan on signing up for a six-week prenatal yoga class so hopefully that will help too. 

Cravings: Still pancakes. Although, right this second brownies sound delicious! Yum!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I can't handle certain smells. This week any Asian type of foods have really bothered me. 

Sleep: I could take a nap everyday...in fact I may go take one as soon as I post this :)

Miss anything? Feeling well. I feel like I've felt queasy/achy every day now for about 5 weeks. I'm ready for some energy. 

Clothes: A mix of regular and maternity. Regular clothes fit but maternity pants are just so much more comfortable on the growing tummy!

Movement: Not yet!

Gender: We took an intelligender test just for fun and the results said Girl. We'll have to wait until 18-20 weeks to find out if that was right or not :)

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: This past Friday we heard our sweet baby's heartbeat for the very first time! It was the most special/beautiful sound I've ever heard. I am in love already! 
Most looking forward to: A massage - hopefully this weekend!

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