Tuesday, April 22, 2014

BUMPDATE (13 Weeks!)

The last week of the 1st trimester is finally here!

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a peach!

How I'm feeling: I am feeling great! The past week I have felt absolutely wonderful. The aches and pains are gone and I'm feeling extremely happy.

Cravings: Pretty much all breakfast type foods, especially pancakes, biscuits, and hashbrowns. I've also been loving big juicy apple pears - they are so good!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Sleep: I'm sleeping really well. I still wake up in the middle of the night (I'm pretty sure middle of the night trips to the bathroom are here for the long haul) but I'm sleeping really well. I'm loving my sleep right now.

Miss anything? Nope!

Clothes: Still a mix of regular and maternity. 

Movement: Not yet.

Gender: We still have another 5 weeks to go before we can find out. I'm hoping the doctor may let us find out slightly early on Brooks' 30th birthday (I'll be just shy of 18 weeks then). I think that would be such a fun thing to find out on his birthday if Baby H is a boy or a girl. 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: Honestly, this entire past week was wonderful because I felt so great. I really hope I continue to feel this well for quite some time. 
Most looking forward to: Traveling to Tulsa on Thursday for my cousin Ashlee's wedding! I can't wait to celebrate with her and to spend time with friends and family. Plus it will be my parents first time to see the bump! 

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