Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BUMPDATE (12 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Baby H is the size of a plum!

How I'm feeling: Much better!! The past two days I have felt better than I have in six weeks! Thank you Jesus! I'm so hoping this good feeling continues!

Cravings: My cravings drastically switched from sweet things to salty in the past week. I have been craving french fries like crazy! In fact, yesterday I had McDonald's fries...twice! I don't regret it one bit, I enjoyed every single bite. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I am honestly feeling so much better that nothing has made me queasy or sick in the past week. Thank goodness! 

Sleep: I'm not as tired as I was the past several weeks but I wake up in the middle of the night now (every single night....lovely). So as a result, I'm a bit sluggish in the mornings. 

Miss anything? Not this week!

Clothes: Still a mix of regular and maternity. Because of how my tummy is growing I'm loving maternity pants but shirts are a mix of regular and maternity - regular shirts still fit but sometimes maternity shirts just look and fit better.

Movement: I keep waiting for the "flutters" I keep hearing about and I swear last week I felt them but it's so hard to tell. I haven't had the "aha moment" yet where I know for sure that what I felt was the baby. 

Gender: We'll find out between 18-20 weeks! 

Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Favorite moment this week: Yesterday was my favorite because it was the first day in six weeks I've felt almost normal. I am so happy to feel like a functioning adult again, I hope it lasts!
Most looking forward to: Traveling to Tulsa next weekend for my cousin Ashlee's wedding! Time to put this bump in a bridesmaid's dress!


  1. I felt all my babies at the middle to end of week 15.

  2. I can't wait to feel him/her move! Three more weeks to wait if it happens at 15 weeks...doesn't seem too far away!
