Tuesday, September 23, 2014

BUMPDATE (35 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Connor is the size of of a Coconut! According to thebump.com he measures around 17.2 to 18.7 inches (as long as 20 inches according to whattoexpect.com) and weighs between 4.2 and 5.8 pounds! From here on out, he won't get much longer but he will continue to plump up between now and delivery.

How I'm feeling: Large and swollen, but overall, pretty good for being 35 weeks pregnant! My feet and ankles swell up a lot so I have to keep an eye on that and I move at a snails pace but I honestly feel a lot better than I thought I would for being this far along. 

Cravings: I've been craving a lot of frozen yogurt. Yum! I've also been craving anything pumpkin, but I think that's more because it's officially fall rather than because I'm pregnant. I baked a loaf of cream cheese pumpkin bread over the weekend and it's definitely almost gone! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Sleep: I'm still sleeping really well! I have to sleep with my feet propped up because of the swelling (which is more awkward than comfortable) but besides that, I'm sleeping just fine!

Miss anything? Fitting into my shoes! Because I've experienced a lot of swelling lately most of my shoes don't fit well so even though the weather is crisp I'm still wearing flip flops. Hopefully the swelling will go down once the little one arrives.

Clothes: All maternity. 

Movement: He is still moving a lot! His kicks aren't as sharp as they used to be (because he's running out of space!) and now his movements feel more like he is rolling around. It's fascinating to watch my stomach move as he rolls around in there!

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: Still in, but barely! 
Wedding rings on or off? I've officially retired my wedding ring and am wearing my nana's wedding ring instead. Thankfully, it still fits! 
Favorite moment this week: We finished up our labor and delivery class on Saturday - we are all finished with baby classes now! I loved our labor and delivery class. Our teacher was awesome and I feel like I know much more of what to expect now. We also got to tour the labor and delivery floor at our hospital - it was so exciting to actually stand in a delivery room! 
Saturday evening we got to have dinner with some really good friends of ours who moved away - it was so good to see them and their little daughter! 
This weekend was also my prayer shower. The ladies at my church get together before a baby is born and say prayers for the new mom/new parents, and the baby. It's such a special day! My shower was absolutely wonderful and I'm so grateful to the women in my life who are praying for Brooks and me as we start this new adventure together. Connor is a lucky boy to have all these wonderful ladies praying for him!!
Most looking forward to: Our babymoon this weekend! Friday morning we are leaving for Williamsburg, Virginia to take one last trip as just the two of us. I absolutely cannot wait! 

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