Tuesday, September 30, 2014

BUMPDATE (36 Weeks!)

A little different view for this week's photo. This picture was taken yesterday on our way home from vacation. Connor's first trip to the White House!

Baby's Growth: This week Connor is the size of of a Honeydew Melon! I went to the doctor this afternoon and she said he is measuring right on track. She also guessed that he won't be a "big" baby. I weighed 9 pounds 3 oz when I was born (I know, I was big!) so hopefully she is right and he won't be a nine pounder like his mama.

How I'm feeling: Large, really swollen, and unfotrunately sick. I've had a cold for going on 3 weeks now. God Bless my doctor, today she actually wrote me a prescription. Hopefully, relief is on it's way.

Cravings: I haven't had any specific cravings lately, which might be because I'm battling this cold. All that sounds good right now is a bowl of cereal. 

Speaking of cravings though, I had mentioned in my blog that I had been craving cinnamon rolls. Last week one of the sweet teachers at the school where I work brought me cinnamon rolls! They were delicious! Thank you Kara!! AND one of the parents at school (who just happens to own a bakery) brought me chocolate chip cookies. She said all pregnant women need chocolate chip cookies. I agree wholeheartedly!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I think the food aversions are a thing of the past! I haven't had any for quite a while now!

Sleep: I haven't been sleeping that well lately but I think that is more to do with my cold rather than the pregnancy. 

Miss anything? Fitting into my shoes! My feet are SO swollen. My doctor said as long as my blood pressure stays normal it isn't a concern but I am retaining some serious water. I miss my normal feet!

Clothes: All maternity. 

Movement: He's been jabbing me a lot lately! He loves to bounce up and down on my bladder (thanks son!) and to roll around in stomach. I still love watching my stomach move when he rolls around!

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: Still in, but barely! 
Wedding rings on or off? I'm retaining so much water that today I actually went without a ring. We'll see if I can wear my nana's ring again this pregnancy, but for right now it just feels better not to wear anything.
Favorite moment this week: This past weekend we went on a babymoon to Williamsburg, Virginia and even though I was battling a cold we had an absolutely wonderful time. If you are ever in the area I highly recommend Kingsmill Resort, it's a beautiful place to relax. We spent some time in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, and we stopped by DC on the way home yesterday. We crammed a lot into a short amount of time but we had a blast! Below are some pictures from our trip.

This is the James Landing Grill at Kingsmill Resort. The restaurant overlooks the James River. We ate here for dinner on Saturday and oh my word it was so good to have some amazing southern food. I had shrimp and grits and they were absolutely fabulous! 

This is Brooks outside the Governor's House in Colonial Williamsburg. We spent a majority of the day on Saturday exploring Colonial Williamsburg, if  you are ever in the area I highly suggest visiting! 

Brooks and I drove down to Virginia Beach on Sunday. Let me tell you, there is nothing better than putting big, fat, swollen feet in the ocean. 

We decided to end our vacation with a short stop in DC. We live less than four hours away and it's really a shame we haven't spent more time there. We only had a couple hours but we made the most of it! We are hoping to take a trip back there with Connor in the spring.
Most looking forward to: I have a lot to look forward to this weekend! I have a baby shower on Saturday and a baby brunch on Sunday! I'll post pictures of those next week! 

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