Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pittsburgh Showers - Spoiled to Pieces!

This weekend I had not one, but TWO baby showers in Pittsburgh. Can I say spoiled? On Saturday, two of my girlfriends hosted a gorgeous Peter Rabbit shower for me and on Sunday, one of the teachers where I work hosted a baby brunch for me. They were both absolutely beautiful and the ladies truly outdid themselves! 

Sometimes it's really hard living so far away from home - especially with a new baby on the way. When Brooks got the opportunity to move to Pittsburgh, we prayed about it and truly felt that moving to Pittsburgh was what God wanted for us at this point in our marriage. I am constantly reassured that we made the right decision by the people that have come into our lives since we moved here. As much as I do miss Oklahoma, we have made some incredible friends in Pittsburgh. I am so grateful for these women - thank you for making me feel at home here, I am so lucky to have you ladies in my life!

Megan (top photo) and Laura hosted my shower on Saturday. 
They created an absolutely gorgeous Peter Rabbit shower. These are the type of girls that find things on Pinterest and their creations come out even cuter than the Pinterest ideas - they should be party planners! 

Thank you ladies for giving me an absolutely wonderful shower. I am a lucky lady to have you both as my friend, you really outdid yourself!

Below are some pictures from the shower! Enjoy :)

How cute are those napkin holders? They look just like carrots from Mr. McGregor's garden!

The food was so yummy...I won't lie I'm a bit jealous that I couldn't have a mimosa though! :)

Megan and Laura had the letters of Connor's first and middle names on tables for the ladies to paint so that we can hang them up in his nursery. This was one of my favorite parts of the shower! I loved this! 

Unfortunately, I didn't get a group photo of everyone that came. I wanted to include this picture though because my friend Megan Meyer came all the way in from Williamsport for the shower. Thank you for coming Megan!!

Baby Brunch...

Oh my goodness the food was so yummy. In case the scale goes up at my doctor's appointment tomorrow, I know who to blame! :)

This is the lovely Kellie Stock. She hosted my Baby Brunch. She is truly one of the sweetest ladies you'll ever meet. She and the other teachers at Zion really outdid themselves with this brunch. They decided that instead of doing traditional baby gifts they would instead focus on...ME! These women spoiled me. They gave me new super soft pajamas, a spa gift certificate, all sorts of bath goodies and some things for Connor on top of it all. I was blown away! I can't wait to slip on those comfy pajamas and make my spa appointment. How lucky am I?!

I truly had an absolutely wonderful weekend. I feel spoiled and very loved. Thank you to everyone who came and pampered me and baby Connor this weekend. I am lucky to have so many wonderful friends!

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