Tuesday, October 21, 2014

BUMPDATE (39 Weeks!)

Baby's Growth: This week Connor is the size of of a Watermelon!

How I'm feeling: Large. There is no more room at the inn. I'm at capacity. 

Cravings: No new cravings! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week :)

Sleep: I feel pretty lucky that I slept so well for most of my pregnancy. However, those days are gone. My nights of sleep are now filled with multiple trips to the restroom and endless amounts of weird dreams. Apparently I've been told I'll sleep again in about 25 years. I'll miss you sleep, but we had a good run.

Miss anything? Being able to put on shoes without it feeling like I just completed an intense workout.

Clothes: All maternity. 

Movement: He's a busy little bee in there! Little guy loves to roll around :)

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: Still in! I think it just might make it to the end!
Wedding rings on or off? Off. I'm ready to start wearing my ring again! 
Favorite moment this week: Finishing the nursery. It was so nice to stand back and look at my son's room completely finished. I had a vision from the beginning for how I wanted it to look and I really think Brooks and I achieved it. It's my favorite room in our house.
Most looking forward to: Getting some much needed cleaning done around here. Does this mean I'm officially nesting? I'm ready to have my house nice and tidy so when Connor decides to make his appearance we will come home to a picked up house.
Unless Connor decides to make his appearance this week, I'll see you all in 7 days! Due date here I come!

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