Friday, October 17, 2014

Connor's Peter Rabbit Nursery

The nursery is finally finished! All the clothes are washed and put away and all that's missing is a sweet little boy who can call this room his own. 

This is the view from the door. The room itself is fairly small so I had to be really creative with how we situated the furniture and organized everything. I really wanted to create a comfortable and relaxed space. Soon after finding out I was pregnant I was looking at bedding from Pottery Barn and fell in love with their Peter Rabbit set. I knew instantly that is what I wanted to use in the nursery whether we had a boy or a girl. While planning the nursery, I tried to pick pieces that we could still use as Connor grows. I know one day he will want me to pack away the Peter Rabbit pieces but the bookshelves and the furniture will all be able to grow with him.
Below is another view from the doorway.

We opted not to get a traditional changing table because I felt it would make the room too crowded. Instead, we are using his dresser as a combined dresser/changing table. 
I'm in love with the Peter Rabbit prints above the table. Thank goodness for etsy! These little prints came all the way from London!

This little nook is my favorite part of the room. I wanted a space where I could relax and feel comfortable when I'm up at all hours of the night with Connor. I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out. 

Right now his little crib is filled with his lovies.

I can't wait to put these little clothes to use!

These are some of my favorite pieces from the nursery. I found all of these on etsy. 

The framed Peter Rabbit prints are from JPEGgeneration

The bookshelves are from del hutson designs just outside Dallas, TX, which I thought was extremely fitting since that is where Brooks was born and raised. They are made from reclaimed barnwood and I love how they turned out!

The handpainted wood signs hanging above the crib are from Simple Pleasures, a shop in Lancaster, PA.

And there you have it! The nursery is complete...except for a little boy that I hope to add very, very soon!

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