Tuesday, October 28, 2014

BUMPDATE (40 Weeks!)

Today is my official due date! Brooks and I found out I was pregnant on February 20, so we have been looking forward to this date for a long time. That's 8 months and 8 days if you're counting :)

Because there was no sign that Connor would actually make his appearance today, and because we had been looking forward to today for so long, we decided that we would do something to make this day special. This morning we got up and went for a late breakfast at DeLuca's (a popular Pittsburgh diner) and then we went to the National Aviary. I have wanted to go to the Aviary for so long and it was just as neat as I thought it would be. It was really a fun day! 

Below are some pictures from our due date adventure.

These penguins were as fascinated with Brooks as he was with them! They kept following him around!

Now for your feature presentation...the regular blog questions!

Baby's Growth: This week Connor is the size of of a Jackfruit! He's plumping up even more and his hair and nails continue to grow. Can't wait to meet this little boy!

How I'm feeling: Large and uncomfortable. Overall though, I feel really happy. I'm so excited to meet this baby.

Cravings: I have been guzzling lime Perrier this week. I like it over ice with a fresh lime slice. Delicious!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week :)

Sleep: What is sleep? 

Miss anything? I miss wearing my rings and my watch and regular shoes (right now I stick to flip flops). I'm just too swollen to wear anything anymore. Oh and wine...can't forget that! :)

Clothes: All maternity. 

Movement: He's still busy rolling around in there!

Gender: BOY! 

Belly button in or out: Still in! 
Wedding rings on or off? Off. 
Favorite moment this week: Today's trip to the National Aviary. Since we had looked forward to today for so long it was really nice to go out and do something special. I will always remember it and all the fun we had.
Most looking forward to: My mom comes on Thursday! And then...having this baby!
In honor of my due date, I thought it would be fun to put together a little video of how my bump has changed over the past 9 months. Enjoy!

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